Foster Update: Taxi’s Endless Energy

Taxi is currently being fostered in Edmonton, Alberta. Here’s an update from his foster family.

Honestly, and I say this objectively, he is a great dog and deserves the best home. He will be a fabulous addition.

While I can elaborate for hours on his wonderful qualities and his skills, I think it is important to indicate the kind of home that would be good for him.

In addition to a warm, loving home (goes without saying!), he needs lots of stimulation, i.e. exercise, play time, interaction with people and other dogs. This is a dog who prefers to engage rather than sleep. I don’t know what he does in the few hours he has been left alone, I expect he sleeps, but he does not do anything wrong. He does want a lot of play and activity when I get home. In fact, in the evenings, even if he has had a full day of activity, he still wants to play and have his 3 evening walks. The last walk has turned into a time when he gets to run and chase, burning off some energy before he finally hits the hay (cute aside, when we go out I remind him to get a toy and he goes to pick either of the ones that I can throw – so clever!).