
Sadly, we must share news of the passing of BTRC alum Mercy. Originally named Pyper, this adorable Boston/French Bulldog mix came to her new family at a challenging time – very shortly after the devastating floods in High River, Alberta ten years ago. Looking for a little bit of mercy after the flood’s destruction, what to call the new addition was obvious. Mercy would be the perfect name for the little white dog who was raising spirits and helping to bring back smiles.

“Living with Mercy was like living with a comedian; a hilarious, temperamental comedian. She loved her boxers…and always needed a dog to sleep with. I believe she thought she was a boxer, she did not stay on the porch, she ran with the big dogs every chance she got…There was no food, or anything stinky, that she would not try to eat, the stinkier the better. We referred to her as the fun police because she literally would object to any other of the dogs or cats having fun unless she approved it and was involved. Stuffies were not safe around Mercy. She would destroy them, every single stuffy we ever brought into the house unless it was put on the shelf…she would steal the other dogs so she would have them all. She was happiest if I would tuck her in with a blanket every night. She owned us and that was okay.”

Several years ago, Mercy’s unique look was also featured on a BTRC-designed t-shirt. You can read more about Mercy’s adoption story HERE.

You were one-of-a-kind Mercy. A special girl who arrived where she was needed at just the right time, you will be forever loved and never forgotten. 🌈🐾❤️