Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the handsomest of them all?

BTRC foster Charlot saw a gorgeous fella inside his home and stopped in his tracks. He was enamoured by his silky fur, muscular chest and interesting markings. One black ear and the other white? How cute! One blue eye? Veryyyyy cool!

Then Charlot’s foster mom broke the news – that the handsome boy in the mirror was Charlot himself! He could not believe his ears (and eyes!). For four years he’s been walking around not having a clue that he could be on the cover of DOGUE magazine…maybe even a centrefold!

Since the revelation, Charlot’s foster mom has noticed that his chest seems to puff out a little more and he has a little strut going when he walks. 😂 Now one of Charlot’s favourite things to do is stare at himself in the mirror.

We get it – no one could ever tire of that beautiful face. 🥰

Dear Valentine,

When I think of you, I can’t help but smile. When I see you, my eyes light up. When I snuggle you, I feel safe.

I met you at my foster home and at first glance, I was speechless. You were radiant and I was dazzled by your beauty. At that moment, I decided that I never wanted to let you out of my sight.

You make me feel full of life and you satisfy my hunger for love. I want to keep you by my side always, even when it’s time to sleep.

My foster mom says that I don’t need to worry; that no one will take you from me. Coming from a shelter, life wasn’t always predictable, so I work hard every day to build my trust.

You are my love. You are my food bowl. And I want you to be mine forever. Will you be my Valentine?




While we don’t know much about Charlot’s life before he came to BTRC, what we do know is that now Charlot’s life, heart and bowl will always be full.  If you would like to help BTRC continue to offer foster dogs a chance at a fulfilling future, please consider donating:

Bonjour Charlot!

Charlot (pronounced Shar-low) has arrived just in time to score a foster home full of warm beds, toys, treats and snuggles for the holidays.

Transferred from a shelter, 4-year-old Charlot is now loving the freedom to explore a backyard where he has found many suitable pee spots and space to do zoomies. His foster mom says that, so far, he has been a very polite house guest.

Without a foster home willing to provide him with a second chance, Charlot may have been celebrating a very different holiday season. If you’d like to learn more about fostering, please visit www.bostonterrierrescuecanada.com/foster

Charlot is being fostered in Montreal, QC and is not yet ready to be considered for adoption.